The environment where we work can place workers at risk, it’s therefore imperative to ensure that safety is not just about rules and preventative measures—it must be a core value that is deeply embedded in our DNA. We must constantly seek new ways to reduce safety incidents through focusing on “leading indicators,” proactively avoiding incidences BEFORE they happen, rather than measuring performance on “lagging safety indicators” AFTER the fact. Our Health and Safety Policies are grounded on the following core values: We prioritize employee health and safety above everything else. HSE performance will not be compromised for the sake of business demands. HSE incidents are preventable; we will strive to ensure that our policies, practices, and decisions are proactive on all accounts. Every task must be performed with concern for the welfare of our employees, our subcontractors, our visitors, our clients, and the communities in which we operate.
Management is responsible for ensuring employees have the knowledge, skills, and equipment necessary to protect themselves and others. Each employee is required to make time each day to re-establish his or her focus on TTS – Thinking Through Safety. Thank you